Our practice is organized to evaluate key issues related to maintaining optimal men’s health with a focus on prostate diseases, testosterone production and function. We use state-of-the-art evaluation of prostate structure and function, with ultrasound imaging available in the office as well as prostate testing with 4k Score, ExosomeDx, PSA, physical examination and other evaluation to assure close monitoring of potential conditions that can affect a man’s health.
Our approach to optimizing men’s health is overviewed in this video https://youtu.be/_EPL84wks3A?list=TLPQMjEwOTIwMjP1bcMbSy7Ktw.
Based on long-standing working relationships with the best practitioners at health care systems throughout New York, we also have the ability to provide referrals for our patients to assure that their non-urologic care is optimized as well.
New York Men’s Health Medical
Dr. Peter N. Schlegel
983 Park Ave, 1C
New York, NY 10028
(833) 746-5491
International: +1-646-661-5877
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Information provided on this website is for general purposes and should not be construed as making medical recommendations for evaluation or treatment of any individual patient. The website does not provide a doctor-patient relationship; such a relationship is critical for medical care.